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Journal of Case Reports
Double The Bet: Solving Vaccine Against Hepatitis B Failed Seroconversion In Health Professionals
Nayara de Paula Passarin1, Danielle Höring Grubert1, Giovanna Locks Silveira2, Simone Bonafé1, Luiz Jorge Moreira Neto1
1University Center of Maringá (UniCesumar), Maringá, PR, Brazil; 2Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL), Palhoça, SC, Brazil.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Nayara de Paula Passarin
Email: naydepaula@gmail.com
Received: 23-NOV-2019 Accepted: 22-JUN-2020 Published Online: 15-AUG-2020
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2020.0044
Background: Hepatitis B virus infection is a worldwide health problem, among the most exposed groups are health professionals. The full vaccination scheme promotes protection by forming antibodies against the virus, but about 10% of individuals do not achieve protective titers. Healthcare workers failing to respond to initial hepatitis B vaccination might be vulnerable to hepatitis B virus infection. A case of a healthcare professional who failed seroconversion by the usual regimen and who responded to an alternative regimen is described within’ this article. Case Report: ANG, 30 years old, nurse, looks for an infectology service for not presenting seroconversion to the vaccine, confirmed by the absence of titers that remained negative when performing booster dose. Negative investigation for immunodeficiency,  deficiency of vitamin B12, zinc and negative anti-HBs were detected. The approach was to correct nutritional deficiencies and to administer the extended vaccination schedule used in chronic kidney diseases patients. Two months after the last dose, the serological tests showed seroconversion. Conclusion: The immunization regimen used for immunosuppressed individuals may be a viable alternative for patients not responding to the traditional regimen, becoming an option in populations at higher risk for hepatitis B.
Keywords : Hepatitis B Vaccine, Health Personnel, Vaccination, Vitamin B12, Zinc.
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