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Journal of Case Reports
Laser Refractive Surgery in a Patient with Chorioretinal Coloboma without Retinal Detachment
Gregorio Lo Giudice1, Giuseppe Miceli2, Alessandro Trapani3, Antonino Pioppo1 
1Department of Neuroscience, Complex Ophthalmology Operating Unit, A.R.N.A.S. Ospedali Civico Di Cristina Benfratelli, Palermo, Italy; 2Department of Surgery, Ophthalmology section, Azienda ospedaliera “Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia-Cervello”, Palermo, Italy; 3Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neuroscience, Ophthalmology section, University of Palermo, Italy.
Corresponding Author:
Dr Gregorio Lo Giudice
Email: gregoriologiudice@hotmail.it
Received: 27-JUL-2021 Accepted: 29-DEC-2021 Published Online: 15-FEB-2022
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2022.0005
Background: Ocular coloboma is a rare congenital anomaly caused by defective closure of the choroid fissure during early stages of prenatal development. The lack of tissue causes malformation of one or more ocular structures, affecting one or both eyes. Visual impairment can be mild or more severe, depending on the affected structure and on the extension of the malformation. Currently, there is no universal strategy to treat visual defects caused by coloboma. Refractive errors are generally managed with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Case Report: We hereby report the use of laser refractive surgery to correct a stable refractive error in a patient with chorioretinal coloboma. In the two-year follow up period, we observed positive outcomes in terms of safety and efficacy, with the patient expressing high satisfaction. Conclusion: Laser refractive surgery constitutes a possible strategy to correct refractive errors associated to ocular coloboma. Larger studies are needed to confirm our observation.
Keywords : Astigmatism, Corneal Surgery, Laser Surgery, LASIK, Refractive Surgical Procedures.
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