Sebaceous carcinomas of the eyelid, often masquerades as benign and less malignant lesions probably due to low incidence and non-specific clinical symptoms ultimately leading to delay in diagnosis. However, it exhibits aggressive behavior; pagetoid spread and can metastasis to regional lymph node. Fine needle aspiration was done from nodular lesion over right lower eyelid in a 50 year female who presented with diffuse swelling of the right eye. The cytomorphology favoring sebaceous carcinoma were cellular, loosely cohesive cell clusters having moderate to abundant multi-vacuolated cytoplasm, pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli and lipid rich background. Subsequent histopathology confirmed the diagnosis. This article highlights the role of FNA as a safe and effective tool in early diagnosis and subsequent managements of sebaceous carcinoma in order to prevent recurrence and metastasis.