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Journal of Case Reports
Partial Pulpotomy for Complicated Crown Fractures in Immature Permanent Teeth
Ritika Malhotra, Sukhdeep Singh1, Nikhil Grover1 
From the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, UCMS & GTB  
Hospital, Delhi and Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry1, School of Dental Sciences, Sharda University, Greater Noida.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Ritika Malhotra
Email: ritikaaahuja@yahoo.com
Received: 10-OCT-2013 Accepted: 12-NOV-2013 Published Online: 20-NOV-2013
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2013.0096
Preserving the dental pulp, or part of it, is important when treating a vital tooth with an exposed pulp, particularly if the tooth is immature and root formation is incomplete. The partial pulpotomy can offer a superb outcome for the treatment of complicated crown fractures of the young permanent tooth. The procedure is often used for traumatic injuries in children where the major aim of treatment is to preserve tooth vitality while providing a favorable environment for continued root development. In following article, a review of partial pulpotomy and management of case of a vital permanent maxillary incisor with complicated crown fracture and pulp exposure is discussed. This was treated by partial pulpotomy with calcium hydroxide and assessed clinically through pulpal sensitivity tests and radiographically for periapical healing and continued root end closure.
Keywords : Calcium Hydroxide, Dental Pulp, Dentition, Pulopotomy, Tooth Crown, Tooth Fractures, Crowns.
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