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Journal of Case Reports
Factor XI Deficiency: A Rare Cause of Prolonged Bleeding in a Post-Operative Patient

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Sumit Barik1,  Sweta2
From the Department of Pathology and Hematology1, Department of Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking2; ESI Post graduate Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi-110015, India.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Sweta
Email: sweta20eleven@gmail.com
Received: 12-MAR-2014 Accepted: 30-APR-2014 Published Online: 25-MAY-2014
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2014.0043
A boy aged 14 years was operated for a cyst in oral cavity. The post-operative stay was complicated by continued bleeding from the site of incision in oral cavity. The bleeding time was found to be normal however coagulation time was found to be 25 minutes. History of any abnormal bleeding in past was not available, parents refused to have noted any swelling in joints. Further evaluation showed abnormally prolonged APTT however PT was normal.  Based on mixing experiments and factors assays, diagnosis of factor XI deficiency was made. 
Keywords : Cysts, Factor XI deficiency, Bleeding Time, Hemorrhagic disorders, Hemorrhage.
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