Introduction: Papillary neoplasms (IPNs) of breast are a group of pathological changes with benign intraductal papilloma occupying one end of the spectrum and papillary carcinoma, the other end. Intraductal papillomas are observed relatively rarely, with an incidence of 2-3%. In elderly patients, intraductal papillomas are often asymptomatic and usually smaller than 2 cm. Therefore, they are seen commonly as an incidental finding in biopsy specimens. Case Report: We observed a 50 year old patient who has a 10 cm mass in her breast, enlarging over a 4-year period. Patients’ only complaint was mastalgia of two months duration. She was referred for breast sonography and later Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Radiologic examination revealed a 10x4 cm solid-cystic lesion with 4x2 cm and 3x3 cm solid components inside. The mass was surgically removed and histologic examination revealed intraductal papilloma. Conclusion: This case illustrates an unusual presentation of benign intraductal papillomas as a large breast mass and therefore should be considered in the differential diagnosis of very large breast lesions.