Calcific tendinitis can occur in any joint even though commonly seen around shoulder. Calcification of reflected head of rectus femoris is a rare condition which causes hip pain and discomfort. Severe limitation of hip movements may occur with constitutional symptoms and elevated acute phase reactants. We are reporting two cases of reflected head of rectus femoris calcification with no past history of hip disease or significant trauma. They presented with acute hip pain and limping. Radiological investigations revealed a calcification close to the upper lip of the acetabulum within the reflected head of rectus femoris. Both cases were treated by CT guided injection of bupivacaine and triamcinolone, which gave symptomatic relief from first day itself and excellent clinico-radiological improvement on 6 weeks follow-up. Calcific tendinitis of reflected head of rectus femoris should be considered as a differential diagnosis of acute painful hip pathologies even though rare. |
Keywords :
Bupivacaine, Calcinosis, Hip, Joints, Triamcinolone.