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Journal of Case Reports
Paratesticular Fibrous Pseudotumor

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Mahendra Singh, Deepika Gupta, Sonal Amit    
Department of Pathology, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Deepika Gupta
Email: deepikagupta351@gmail.com
Received: 09-NOV-2015 Accepted: 20-JAN-2016 Published Online: 05-FEB-2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2016.0013
Intrascrotal benign fibrous proliferations are uncommon and mostly arise from paratesticular region falling into the category of fibrous pseudotumor. Fibrous pseudotumor is characterized by nodular growth composed of probably reactive proliferation of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells. Although benign, this often clinically mimics intrascrotal malignancy and usually remains undiagnosed preoperatively. Here, we report a case of paratesticular fibrous pseudotumor arising from testicular tunica vaginalis, in a 40 year male presenting with huge right scrotal mass.
Keywords : Epididymis, Fibroblasts, Granuloma, Testis, Neoplasms.
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